“Next Steps” for Mass Meeting Participants

Sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Our weekly "Actions & Updates" newsletter aggregates calls to action and updates from local, Boston-area BIPOC-led organizations to help keep you informed and up-to-date.

Register for an Orientation to SURJ Boston!

Join us for a 90-minute orientation about SURJ Boston and how we work! This orientation will:

  • Introduce you to SURJ as a national organization & to SURJ Boston as our local chapter

  • Provide opportunities to engage with other participants about your own interests and motivations for engaging with anti-racism work

  • Explain the steps for getting involved with SURJ Boston going forward from this orientation

Attend “Action Hours” with SURJ Boston

Register to join our SURJB Action Hours and take action together!

  • Action Hours happen over Zoom the first Wednesday of each month from 6:30-7:30PM

Attend a workshop or training

  • “What’s On Your Ballot?”

    Massachusetts voters will see at least 5 questions on the ballot in November, relating to:  (1) Government transparency, (2) Public education, (3) Unionization, (4) Drug policy, and (5) Wage fairness. Join us to learn about: What will these questions do? How might they impact racial justice? What should you know headed into the election? September 24, 7:00-8:00PM. To attend, fill out the form here.

  • “Protest Health & Safety Training”

    How to keep yourself and others safe during street demonstrations. We will cover hot/cold weather safety, what to do if you or someone near you is pepper sprayed, and everything in-between. [Late September / early October, attendees will receive more info via email]

  • “Jail Support 101”

    How to support protestors (and people in our everyday lives) at the police precinct after an arrest. It will cover how to engage with police, limited after care, and more. [Late September / early October, attendees will receive more info via email]

  • “Having Hard Conversations with Friends & Family”

    Join a SURJB-led conversation about how to talk race & politics when some of our friends and families want us to just "agree to disagree" [Specific date forthcoming, attendees will receive more info via email]
